Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day 2022

Today is May Day and Beltane - this month ends with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the earth sign of Taurus - that's a whole lot going on. . . .and more. 

May Day new moon 2022

In our family wonder | wander | world have Taurus grand/father and uncle/sibling celebrating their birthdays in April. 

Today's eclipse also happens to coincide with the second new moon of the month. April started with a new moon on April 1 and ended with a second one on April 30.  

Called a Black Moon - it is a rare occurrence causing a partial solar eclipse seen in parts of South America. 

New moons are cosmic moments to set intentions for the day, week, or fortnight. In practice, the moon’s flavour should shift intention and redirect action.

Each new moon has a certain flavour, determined by the sign it’s crossing. Unlike impetuous Aries, Taurus is more slow and steady. At the same time, the Bull loves luxury. We might, therefore, set an intention based on these Taurus qualities.

We are also on the cusp of the Beltane celebration May 1st - the ancient Celtic tradition which honors the fertility and abundance of Mother Nature.

It is no accident that Taurus is the sign of gardens, plants, flowers, minerals, rocks, gemstones, and all the precious or rare gifts the earth provides. 

During this eclipse time, it will be very beneficial  to plant new seeds for the future by honoring the earth now. The word sustainability takes on an even deeper dimension as we move forward into a new age.

Taurus is also connected to the Pleiades constellation - which many ancient and indigenous cultures regarded as their celestial ancestors.

In ancient Egypt, Hathor - the Goddess of love, music and beauty - ruled over the sign of Taurus and the constellation of the Pleiades. Her initiates were taught that “the Body is the Temple, and Sound is the Key”.

Also remember that Venus rules Taurus. Venusian themes - love, beauty, cash– should infuse the Taurus moon/solar eclipse. We all want love but this Taurus new moon could make us extra needy for it.

Because the moon our emotional centre is also involved here - our feelings about ourselves or others can become exaggerated or distorted during this transit.

Set your intentions and affirmations on this New Moon to be sound in mind, body and spirit - to find our balance and express our joy.

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