Wednesday, July 26, 2023

freedom, fascism, fiction

In her series of electrifying essays Arundhati Roy challenges us to reflect on the meaning of freedom in a world of growing authoritarianism. AzadiFreedom, Fascism, Fictionwon the 2023 European Essay Prize

Her essays include meditations on language - public as well as private - and the role of fiction and alternative imaginations in current disturbing times. 

original book cover which has since been recalled

Friday, July 21, 2023

work in progress

Accept that you are a work in progress, both a revision and a draft: you are better and more complete than earlier versions of yourself, but you also have work to do. Be open to change. Allow yourself to be revised. ~ Dame Maggie Smith, Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change

moon over NYC

In a world cocooned and immersed in a constant barrage of externalized prompting, do we even realize who we are and what we do? Are we original individuals or mere sheep led out to pasture? 

Social media especially can all too easily lend itself to project an idealized or romanticized life. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

lifetime friendships

Each friend holds a different purpose in life and brings a different type of friendship to the table. They may be meant to stay forever or only for a short period of time - either way, they bring their own uniqueness into life and ignite ours as well.

childhood classmates & hometown friends - prepping & planning for our golden

There are those who come into our lives and they leave them for whatever reason - they satisfied what we needed from the friendship in that moment. Even though their presence was so important at that time, it may no longer hold the same significance. 

Friday, July 7, 2023

mandala cycles

Mandalas are a beloved symbol originating long before any recorded history. The most admired and discussed symbol of divinity and art is the mandala. Like guru and yoga, it is now part of the English language and our daily life. 

At wonder | wander | world the mandala captured our imagination in our formative years - circles and cycles, center and core, community and collaboration. It has permeated our being and pervaded our lives in countless ways. We have used it as a guiding force and vital compass in decision making, planning, and application. 

coloring book art by Issa Urra

Our latest project is a mandala coloring book for kids at heart of any age. An exploration of the joys and delights we all hold within us. These mesmerizing patterns were designed to provide a serene sanctuary in which to pursue pathways into our innermost being.