Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Summer Solstice 2024

In 2020 when COVID-19 was so new to many of us wonder | wonder | world heard an episode on The Shaman’s Cave centered on summer solstice

In a wind journey that wound us back to the previous solstice in September, Renee Baribeau discussed the change in season and led us to reflect on our lives from the solstice in September to the solstice in June. 

tropical arrangement from our backyard

Sandra Ingerman led us on a ceremony to honor the Earth and reflect on regaining our space in life to stay in balance - providing some tools to navigate the upcoming changes. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

HERstory vs HIStory

Maybe they did get it wrong. The men who told the stories that went down as recorded historical fact. The conquering hordes that erased our true history. The prevalent thought of those times that perpetuated their brand of bullshit. 

". . . .focus on her-story as opposed to the traditional his-tory - the thousands of years of recopying and retelling the stories from the male viewpoint. And that these assumptions are based on no original sources, such as the ancient Roman Jewish female epitaphs inscribed in ancient Greek with symbols of authority - just opinion and self-preservation of a patriarchal dominated society." ~ Bernadette Brooten 

singing in the rain - bird on a wire & a restive Mt. Kanla-on
An age-old unoriginal propaganda for many a tyrant and demagogue - yet it never grows old and too many are still sipping their Kool-Aid.