We are smack in the seismic shock window of November 8 - blood moon total lunar eclipse at 16* Taurus, conjunct volatile unpredictable Uranus, overshadowed by Saturn, Lord of Time and Karma - this wild card eclipse acts as an influx on steroids, deleting the past as it sweeps our slate clean.
transforming human consciousness |
This is the grand lead in for the coming attractions of 2023. As the evolutionary burn intensifies - a period and process predicted to induce extraordinary transformations in human consciousness - everything feels different.
Still reeling from the triduum of Allhallowtide - All Saints’ Eve (Halloween, Oct 31), All Saints’ Day (Nov 1), and All Souls’ Day (Nov 2) - our state of bardo is magnified and multiplied. Stumbling in the mystical mists that are intermediate, transitional, liminal - suspended in a state between death and rebirth.