Friday, January 22, 2021

Amanda Gorman | an inspiration

What's trending and what we choose to support at wonder | wander | world - grRRrl power! Amanda Gorman - take a bow in your spotlight of the day. You are a bright and shining beacon for us all. 

Amanda Gorman recites "The Hill We Climb

Honestly, Bernie Sanders, alone and underdressed in his Vermont mittens may be the more popular meme. Though it points all too clearly at this privileged and unapologetic white old coot doing what Bernie does best. 

Bernie Sanders & his viral mittens

What? Really! So you could not be bothered to dress up for a special occasion - shame on you, bad example. 

Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman performs, "The Hill We Climb" 

This skinny black girl, raised by a single mother, dreams of becoming president, reciting her poem for one is much more admirable by far. We applaud you, Amanda Gorman - may your tribe thrive! 

Amanda Gorman - our inspiration!

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