Three divine guardians - a Chi Lin, a Fu Dog, and a Pi Xiu - celestial creatures sent to Earth by the God of Heaven to safeguard the trinity of Tien Ti Ren. Together, they form the trusted antidote to subdue the viciousness of the Three Killings (Sarm Saat or three conflicts).
Feng Shui (wind water in English) is the Chinese art of arranging external structures and inside decor to harmonize people within an environment. This concept operates on the theory that living things have a life force or Qi (Chi or Ki).
celestial guardian figurines |
Feng Shui Three Killings are a combination of three sha - year sha, robbery sha, and disaster sha. Year Sha are obstacles that impede or set back. Robbery Sha could lead to financial loss. Disaster Sha cause accidents, problems, or trouble.