Four Critically Endangered Animals Sing ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ From Les Misérables in a Powerful Animation. Produced for the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival. In however way you can - choose to make a difference.
It will be a supermoon too - with the moon much closer to Earth and appearing slightly bigger and brighter than usual. The whole eclipse starts Sunday night or early Monday, depending on location , and will take about three hours. It will be visible in North and South America, as well as Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal and the French and Spanish coasts. The rest of Europe, as well as Africa, will have partial viewing before the moon sets. May the skies be clear wherever you are - happy viewing and howl away!
Last night I dragged a beloved long time friend to the Shen Yun performance at Lincoln Center in NYC. Even if it was one of the coldest and blustery nights this winter we were determined to have a blast. Which we did - contrary to how the evening unfolded.
Shen Yun theatrical poster
I was fueled by memories of the Chinese acrobatic circus performances that would come to our little backwater island town. Regaling us with fireworks, Shaolin martial arts, agile performers, and exotic dancers garbed in diaphanous silk ensembles.
We would sit for a few hours mesmerized by escalating feats of balance.
Reading a recent interview of Barbara Kingsolver on the publication of her latest book, Unsheltered - wonder | wander | world was inspired to post Literary Hub's list of essential texts on climate change as well - precisely because they were also written by women. Hurrah!
Kingsolver's Guardian article was aptly titled, "It feels as though we are living through the end of the world." If we should be so lucky that the world as we have come to know it since the time of defeatist folks like Trump and Duterte is indeed coming to an end, we declare resoundingly - bring it on.
It is time. We believe the sick cruel world of their dour imaginings must be extinguished forever more.
Another Kingsolver interview on Longreads has an even better title: "I've always been praised or accused of ambition." Where they discussthe writing craft and the effects of “writing while female.” Set in New Jersey, home to wonder | wander | women too, Kingsolver returns with a timely novel that interweaves past and present to explore the human capacity for resiliency and compassion in times of great upheaval. Perfect timing indeed. Happy reading to all.